Thursday, January 5, 2012

Hi! Hi! Hi! I Love you! Will You Be My Friend?

At the ripe old age of 196 (dog years), I expected my life to look a certain way. Nice little house, maybe a kid or two, teaching a few voice lessons here and there, mostly kicking around barefoot enjoying my family.

Nowhere in that equation did I expect three dogs to show up. But, if you know anything about dogs, you know they often show up unexpectedly and make themselves right at home. On your kitchen counter when you've turned your back to grab the ketchup from the fridge. On your freshly manicured lawn. In your bed...

Right beside you with unbridled enthusiasm as you push yourself the extra mile on your morning run. Sprinting down the street chasing after the man who just tried to break through your window. In your arms (or were you in his?) after the phone call that your dad had passed away.

Right at home. Right into your heart.

So as it happened, we found three unplanned companions on this journey with us. And we wouldn't have it any other way.

This is a blog for dog lovers and not-yet-dog-lovers. I will share stories from our pack, which may or may not include training tips, recipes, reviews, and who knows what else. If there's one thing I've learned from my pack, it's that every day is a new adventure, and the fun is just beginning...

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