Sunday, January 8, 2012

Butt Sniffing

No, it's not an obnoxious and socially inappropriate behavior - for dogs. It's their way of making introductions. Actually, a dog's sense of smell is the strongest of all the senses, a thousand times more sensitive than a human's. They gather incredible amounts of information, especially when it comes to other dogs - their "name," breed, age, personality, where they live, what their pack is like. So let me give you a whiff of our pack...

Rowan was my Christmas surprise two years ago. After letting me go on about getting a dog until I finally gave up and called it a loss, my clever husband sent me a text on my way home from work that he had invited a friend to spend the night and would explain when I got home. I walked in the door in far worse spirits than I care to admit, and standing on the other side was my husband, with this six week bundle of puppy sweetness.

Puppy Time!
At - or in - the St. Patty's Parade.
He loves to "dance."

 Rowan came from a local rescue. We know his mother was an American Bulldog, but we suspect his father, who clearly had the stronger genes, was a German Shepherd. We live in a very Irish neighborhood called Dogtown. True story. So Rowan is Irish meaning "red haired." His hair isn't really that red, but close enough, and we liked the sound of the name. He loves to play with stuffed animal toys and go for runs. Rowan is a dog's dog. He loves nothing more than to have a romp with a friend.Which leads me to...

Named after the elf princess in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, Arwen was a Craigslist "rescue." When Rowan was about six months old, we realized just how much he loved being around other dogs and thought it was time for a playmate. I was listing some furniture on Craigslist and just thought I'd take a quick look at the pets. When I saw the picture of this beautiful brindled Pit Bull Terrier, I had to meet her. It's a good thing we did. Arwen was brought home by a well-meaning but ignorant husband, whose wife was stressed enough by their hyperactive Akita and said an immediate "no" to a second dog. Arwen was neglected in a basement closet and clearly attacked by the other dog. She was covered in her own feces and scratches when she came up the stairs to greet us. We were worried about her high, anxious energy, but she took to Rowan instantly, and we knew we couldn't leave her where she was.

First night at home, fitting right in.
Some things never change.
Best friends forever.
Yes, you read correctly that Arwen is a Pit Bull. Don't worry, you'll hear lots of what I have to say about Pit Bulls. For now, let's leave it at this: Arwen is as stubborn and hard-headed as they come. Sure, this has made for some hard core training. However, her stubbornness also makes her loyal, and a firm hand and a loving home even moreso. And that hard core training has resulted in an AKC Good Canine Citizen Certification. She loves fiercely. And you will not meet a better snuggler. Except for maybe...

My husband has always wanted a bulldog. About six months after Arwen came home, we started talking about looking for one. Eight-month-old Fiona was listed by her rescue as a "Bulldog/Boxer Mix." Apparently she wandered up to their front door, sick and emaciated, so the Bulldog is questionable, but there is no doubt she is a gorgeous albino Boxer. We knew as soon as we saw her multi-colored eyes that we wanted her. Then we found out Fiona is completely deaf. That sealed the deal even more.

Day one at home, pretty girl.
Snuggling is a requirement.
Ok, maybe a little Bulldog.
Fiona is Irish for "white sea foam." She loves chasing bugs, shadows, and the light reflected on the kitchen floor by the microwave door. Because she is deaf, she is extremely visual and does seem to live in her own world sometimes. We have gladly learned a new language and a new perspective. She is just as smart as the other dogs, learning to follow sign-language commands, vibrating collar commands, and eye contact. And she likes to be the little spoon.

So there you have it. The Blevins Pack. Welcome to our adventure. Come on over any time.

We're waiting for you!
Puppy pillows.
Pack snuggles.

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